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It gave Evelyn a pleasant sensation to find herself again in the littleWhipple parlor. The furniture was the same that she remembered of old inthe commandant's house at the fort. It had at last found repose, for theWhipples' marching days were over. They made an effort to have an Indianroom, where they kept their books, but they refrained from calling theplace a library. On the walls were the headdress of a Sioux chief, and afew colored photographs of red men; the couch was covered with a Navajoblanket, and on the floor were wolf and bear skins. When chairs wereneeded for callers, the general brought them in from other rooms; hehimself sat in a canvas camp chair, which he said was more comfortablethan any other kind, but which was prone to collapse under a civilian.The wastepaper-basket by the general's table, and a basket for fire-woodwere of Indian make, dyed in dull shades of red and green.
\"Maybe we can pick up some points from her game,\" said Saxton, smilingat the boy's enthusiasm. He had been very busy and much away from town,and this was his first day of golf since he had come to Clarkson.Raridan had declined to accompany him; Raridan was, in fact, at workjust now, having been for a month[Pg 195] constant in attendance upon hisoffice; and Saxton had left him barricaded behind a pile of law books.Saxton was slow in his golf, as in all things, and he gave a good dealof study to his form. He played steadily down the course, noting fromtime to time the girl that was the only other occupant of the links. Shewas playing toward him on the parallel course home, and while he had notrecognized her, he could see that she was a player of skill, and hepaused several times to watch the freedom of her swing and to admire thepretty picture she made as she followed her ball rapidly and with evident absorption. 153554b96e