You can talk to them and they can hear you and speak to you. $199 and made in the USA. It also has a motion sensor so you can activate it without having to press a button to let you know someone is on your doorstep. Q: What numbers can you talk about your business? A: The big number was how much money we got in the beginning. it was zero. We didn't get any money when we started this company. We went to Indiegogo and did a crowdfunding campaign. That was three years ago. Raised $100,000 on Indiegogo in 5 days, with a cap of $600,000 for that campaign. We went from a company with the idea that no one wanted to turn back, to a $600,000 cash injection
from Indiegogo, 5,000 customers, and whatsapp database a proven idea. That's what we were like, 'We've got a great idea, we're going all in.' That was about three years ago, and it's now at a nine-figure valuation. Incredible to think that this happened so quickly. I trust our team and our product ideas. We were the perfect product market fit and had the right idea at the right time. It's just a call to sympathize with your customers. Thank you. We ship thousands of units every month. we're just excited. It's been pretty incredible going from zero to 100 million plus in three years. Q: How is your growth being driven now? Are these big partnerships? What are the big things that are working for you guys in terms of customer acquisition? A:
About a year and a half ago, everyone in our space was really looking at the customer. Everyone wanted to own this smart home idea. Lights, locks, thermostats. they wanted to own everything. We didn't choose that route. We decided that well-designed point solutions that do one thing really well: individual products serve our customers better. we went that route. Instead of going to the consumer, we really designed our platform to work with the biggest companies in our space. Those companies are home security companies. They already have great home security solutions, they didn't have any at the front door.