6 Series Collections (18 Books) By Elizabeth Lennox [epub]
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Volume 18 builds considerably and highly effectively on previous books in this series by tackling the far-reaching aspects of establishing and supporting effective transitions throughout a child's life. This could not be timelier with the uncertainties that currently surround education for learners with diverse needs. Like the model of inclusion, schools need to transform themselves to ensure that they meet the needs of their students who constantly have to cope with an enormous range of different transitions. From the research identified in this volume it is evident that this will not happen unless schools reform and become considerably more proactive in their approaches to better enabling transitions. Where authors have reported that this has occurred, through implementation of a range of different models, the outcome for children and youth with diverse needs has been positive and stabilizing, giving them confidence in their ability to achieve and emotional support to know that they are welcomed and valued members of society. This book is essential reading for all involved in working with learners with challenging needs throughout their schooling and into postschool options. I recommend this to you as an exceptional addition to the International Perspectives on Inclusive Education series. 2b1af7f3a8