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Debt (represented by the symbol ) is an alternate cost for some cards and Events in Empires. It allows the buyer to take tokens instead of paying the full cost of the card. Players who have tokens may not buy cards, Events, or Projects. tokens can only be removed from a player by paying per token at any point after playing Treasures or spending Coffers tokens during the player's Buy phase, unless otherwise specified (e.g. Capital allows paying off tokens during the Clean-up phase). A player cannot play any more Treasures or spend any more Coin tokens once they have begun to pay off . may not be paid off when Black Market allows you to buy a card from the Black Market deck.
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Cards are a vital part of the game. They are what allow players to interact with the game as a whole; with their team and with their enemies. All cards require a certain amount of bits, which differ with each one. Some cards may also use "X" bits, which use all the bits the caster currently has. If a player does not have enough bits for a card, they aren't able to use the card, and it will be greyed out when trying to select it in a hand. The natural maximum number of cards that can be in the hand at once is 7, but some cards can bypass this limit.
Cards can do many things, set up traps, heal allies, give buffs/debuffs, attack enemies, and much more. Normally, only one card can be played once per turn, however, some cards are quickplay and do not end a players turn when cast. Certain cards end the turns of their user while applying effects that last a set number of turns, which results in the user having one less turn to actively take advantage of the effects granted by the card. Within the wiki, the turns available to the user where they can act while the effects are applied to them are referred to as active turns.
The most common way to obtain cards is by opening card packs. When opening a card pack, a player will obtain 3 cards from that pack. The second most common way to get cards is by an enemy drop. Almost all fights have enemies which drop cards. The drop chance usually differs depending on the rarity of the card, and the enemy that is being fought.
Players may also receive cards by trading with some NPCs. These NPCs may take many cards and items in exchange for one card. It is also possible to trade with other players, who will often take other cards or .
Cards with red backgrounds and a sword icon are Attack cards. These cards include any attacking move, physical or magical. Examples are Scratch, a physical attack that deals 15 damage, and Arcane Blast, a magical attack that deals 50 damage. These cards will consume all Buffs and Debuffs on use.
Cards with blue backgrounds and a spiral icon are Effect cards. These are the cards that does not fall under any other category, and usually apply some sort of effect. They can range from applying a status effect to a target (e.g. Pollute), removing negative effects (e.g. Purge or Body Cleanse), summoning an object on the battlefield (e.g. Rubber Duck), letting a player draw cards from their deck (e.g. Conjure), and much more.
Cards with green backgrounds and multiple "+" icons are Healing cards. These cards can either apply a healing status effect, recover health for the user or allies and so on. Examples are Horn of the Unicorn, which heals the entire team 15 health for every bits spent or Rest and Recovery, which heals the caster 28 health while also applying sleep for 2 turns onto them. Some cards can make an exception such as Holy Ground, which is a buff card despite having healing properties.
Cards with purple backgrounds and a spiderweb icon are Trap cards. These cards allow the user to place Traps onto the battlefield, which can't be seen by enemies unless they used Sharp Instincts. Examples are Bear Trap, which inflicts 30 damage to an opponent. Another example is Tripwire, which stuns the enemy for 2 turns.
Cards with yellow/orange backgrounds and two up arrows/down arrows are Buff/Debuff cards. These cards are used to apply Buffs and Debuffs to a combatant. Examples for buff cards are Guided Strike, which gives a +35% attack buff to an ally or the caster. Examples for debuff cards are Defense Debuff, which gives a -25% defense debuff to the target. Buffs/Debuffs will only affect the damage for Attack Cards which can be either higher or lower depending on the amount of Buffs/Debuffs. All Buffs/Debuffs will be consumed when an Attack Card is used. Damage dealt by effect cards will not trigger buffs or debuffs and as such will not consume them.
Cards with orange backgrounds and a hexagon with rings around it are Field cards. These cards add a modifier to the entire combat battlefield that last for a duration based on the card that was used. These modification will trigger at the start (just before the blue team draw cards) of every round. The modifications can range from inflicting damage, to applying Status Effects and much more. The only field card currently in the game is Hail.
Many cards that have special classifications also have an icon in the top right corner of the card. Cards can have more than one special classification at once. The special classifications are as follows:
A pair of cards symbol refers to Card Manipulation cards. These cards are related to cards or the manipulation of them. Examples are Masquerade, which gives everyone on the caster's team 2 cards, Papercut, which deals 15 damage an an additional 5 damage for every card the target has, and Conjure, which allows the user to draw a rare or common card from their deck and all of its copies.
A lightning bolt symbol refers to Quickplay cards. These cards will not skip the user's turn when casted, allowing the user to continue their turn after playing said card. There is no limit to the amount of Quickplay cards can be used in a turn, as long as a player has the Bits and enough time to use them. Examples are Mask of Uncertainty, which shuffles the caster's hand back to their deck and lets them draw the same amount of cards minus 2, and Pie Throw, which deals 1 damage to the target enemy.
A sword symbol with a few shadows behind it is a Multi-Hit card. These cards can deal damage to the target with at least two seperated strikes or has the potential to hit multiple target at once (AoE). Examples are The Ole' One-Two, which allows the caster to punch the target twice, dealing 5 damage for the first hit and 30 damage for the next one, and Fireball, which deals 20 damage to the target and all adjacent enemies while also applying Burn onto them.
A hexagon with 3 vertical lines above it indicates the card as an Aura card. These cards summon a temporary aura, which can affect enemies or allies stepping on them. Examples are Protectorate, which applies a 50% defense buff to all entities standing on it or Agony Seal, which creates a 1-tile aura that gives +100% attack buff and -100% defense debuff.
A symbol with 4 arrows pointing at 4 different directions is a Transport card. These cards are related to the movement or position of a character on a battlefield. Examples include Dash, which allows the caster to move one more time this turn with an extra tile of movement, Teleport, which allows the user to teleport to any empty space regardless of distance, and Telesword, an enemy-exclusive card which deals small damage and teleports the target to the edge of the battlefield.
A hexagon with a straight cut in the middle refers to Effect Remover cards. These cards allow the caster to remove status effects or gain immunities to a certain status. Examples are Antidote, which removes Poison status or Hot Cocoa, and Hot Cocoa which removes Freeze status while also giving the user Freeze Immunity that last for 3 turns. See Status Effects for more info on status effects.
An 8-spoked icon is an Miscellaneous card. These cards doesn't fall into any other categories. It is mostly added to cards that are inherently unique, and have some property that would deserve a subtype, but don't have one because a lack of similar cards. For example, the card Rubber Duck has this sub-type because of its unique effect making a tile impassable, and Magician's Secret, which has the unique effect of being entirely dependent on an ally playing it at the same exact time. On the other hand, there's no set rule for which cards can have this sub-type. It is mostly without meaning and is up for debate.
A skull symbol indicates void cards. Once these cards are used, they cannot be brought back by cards like Hocus Pocus or Mask of Courage. Examples are Dynamic Bolt, Cupid's Arrow, Ancient Power and so on. The only exception to this rule is when you're in a location that allows cards to recycle infinitely, such as Kishuf's Destiny.
A symmetrical flower symbol indicates that it's a field card. Field cards are a sub-type of trap cards. These cards can summon 7 traps in a 2-hex AoE instead of 1. Currently, all Field cards are unobtainable. Examples Pumpkin Collection, which summons 7 Pumpkin Bombs or Bear Trap Collection, which summons 7 Bear Traps
A canteen or potion symbol is a consumable card. It is given to attack cards with a secondary effect that apply something consumable like buffs or debuffs. These cards apply an Buff/Debuff while doing damage. Examples are Bardiche Chop, which deals 30 damage and apply a -25% attack debuff onto the target or Shield Bash, which deals 30 damage and apply a +30% defense buff onto the caster.
A sword with lines on both sides refer to Recoil cards. These cards will deal some form of damage back to the user when used. Examples are Spell Backfire, which deals 25 damage at the cost of 1 bit but will make the user take 20% of the card's damage as recoil or Corrupt, which apply Curse onto the user and the target while also deals 5 damage to the user as recoil. 781b155fdc