Delphi Decompiler Full ((HOT)) Crack 14
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As for the Metaprogram, it doesnt need to be a full decompiler. It just needs to write everything, and it needs to be careful not to make mistakes. Theres a lot of scope for mistakes, for example the syntax of the code, and there is a lot of scope for wrong decompiled units, especially when the decompiler generates code that doesnt compile.
They can always do it, but it would require a lot more time and effort to do so, and it wouldnt be much use. As the Delphi code isnt very large, and the FMX source isnt much bigger, it's not hard to write a free metaprogram, and so there has be no reason, and theres no reason for anyone to do so.
This is a good demonstration of the difference between the view of a compiler and decompiler, and the view of a developer, or a decompiler when it produces full unit sets. All of them agree that the decompiled code doesnt compile. But the difference is what they write, and what they dont, for example the view of someone trying to write a Good Decompiler. If they dont compile, and they have to write everything by hand, they will inevitably produce code that doesnt compile, and they will be stuck.
For the record, I love decompilers, and I'm the author of the FireMonkey decompiler, and so I can vouch for the effectiveness of this one. It's hard to write a good decompiler, and theres a lot of scope for mistakes and theres always an argument about what counts as a valid decompiled unit. But, if you get it wrong, theres a real danger that your decompiled code willnt compile, and youre screwed. Everything written by hand (often hand written) will compile, regardless of the quality, and so when you get a good decompiler, you get recompiled code, and thats a good thing.
I have used dm to decompile delphi programs, and then again have used dm to recompile them in a different delphi version. If you want to know any more, let me know and I will find out where to get hold of the books.
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