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To understand the role of phylogenetic relationships in the field of comparative vertebrate anatomy, let us consider the textbook example of limb evolution in various vertebrates, including humans. In general, limb evolution can be divided into five steps (Fig. 1).
The lack of appreciation of phylogenetic relationships in comparative studies can also affect the understanding and use of scientific data by the public. Data collection, for example, is often focused on different species of animals. For example, all-terrain vehicle test data is collected on a number of species of animals, but the value of this data is limited if there is no appreciation that these vehicles are the descendants of a single lineage that evolved in a different environment some 100 million years ago.
Step 1 is a conserved event throughout all vertebrates. Step 2 is not. In mammals, for example, the limbs begin to form as a pair of buds on the body and do not separate from the body until they reach a developmental stage called the forelimb bud. In fish, the fins do not form as pouches at all, but rather as one large fin on the tail. In tetrapods, the fins do not develop out of a pouch, but rather as a pair of flaps of skin on the back and sides of the body.
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