Lpile Technical Manual |LINK|
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This manual does not describe the sequence of steps to be taken in thedesign of each bridge component. It is essential that thebridge designer follow the prescribed design and constructionmethodology for the particular type of bridge.
The designer should be familiar with the concepts contained in the Manual for the Design of Bridges and the ANSI A11.1-1976 Standard. A copy of the ANSI A11.1-1976 Standard can be obtained from the American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, New York 10036, www.ansi.org.
To perform the load rating analysis, the user enters the bridge dimensions and loads, and is then presented with the option of entering a bridge rating value, or selecting an existing bridge profile from a file of profiles. The program then automatically computes a stress-strain curve based upon the engineering standards of the Foundation Design Institute (FDI), referenced in the AASHTO Manual for Condition Evaluation of Bridges, 1993, and the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 14th Ed., 1989. This curve and the load rating are then printed as a report.
See the BGS Support Information document, linked in the same manner as the BGS User Guide, for instructions on how to report bugs and wishes about program functionality or get technical support. Technical support is available to all TxDOT BGS users and any consultant BGS users designing bridges for TxDOT. 827ec27edc