Rep With Vol'jin's Headhunters
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The Vol'jin's Headhunters is a Horde faction in Tanaan Jungle. Farming reputationwith them rewards you with the usual items (toys, mounts, etc.) and items youwill need for your shipyard. Reaching reveredwith this faction is required for the Tanaan Diplomatachievement.
Doing daily quests in Tanaan Jungle will represent the bulk of your reputationearnings with the Vol'jin's Headhunters. They will net you between 1,000 and 1,250 reputationper day, not accounting for reputation bonuses.
The Garrison Campaign in Tanaan lasts for 5 weeks and, every week, one quest or morefrom the quest line of that week will give you reputation withthe Hand of the Prophet. These quests are listed in the table below.
Medallion of the Legion increases your reputation with all of thefactions of Draenor by 1,000. The reputation increase is subject to reputationbuffs, such as Diplomacy (the Human racial, +10%), WHEE! (fromthe Darkmoon Faire carrousel, +10%),or the +20% bonus from your TradingPost, Level 3. So, try to save the medallions for when the Darkmoon Faire isrunning, and if you have a Trading Post, Level 3, then make sure to use themin Draenor (otherwise the reputation bonus will not apply).
Vol'jin's Headhunters are a new Horde specific faction being released with World of Warcraft Patch 6.2, along with the brand new zone; Tanaan Jungle. Eager for a decisive victory in Draenor, Warchief Vol'jin has assembled a team of the very best to establish a foothold in the untamed Tanaan Jungle. The mission of this team is pretty straightforward; eradicate Gul'dan.
It is up to you and other heroes of the Horde like you to help them accomplish this vital mission. It must not fail. Read onward to find out how you can earn reputation with this brand new faction, as well as the potential rewards you may earn from earning their favor.
Earning reputation for this faction is all in the daily quests. Each player may complete three (with a potential fourth bonus quest) of these quests per character daily. These three quests will come from two different sources:
While questing through the Tanaan Jungle you will find that a few quests will award you reputation with Vol'jin's Headhunters. These quests are all part of the main quest line and cannot be easily missed, however, a few of them will not appear until you are several weeks into the Garrison Campaign. These quests should not be relied upon as steady sources of reputation gain. The quests that will award you reputation with this faction are as follows:
Earning reputation with any faction is hard work and deserves a just reward. Players who seek favor with Vol'jin's Headhunters will be able to choose from the following enticing rewards based on their current reputation status:
After you have entered Tanaan Jungle by doing the pre quests with the Garison Harbor building and took the ship to Tanaan, you will do 2-3 small quests that goes fast that leads to building a base in Tanaan.
Vol'jin's Headhunters are a force of Horde warriors that establish a foothold in the Tanaan jungle. Operating with full knowledge of what danger Gul'dan represents, Vol'jin's Headhunters seek to overflow the orcish warlock before he can further lend his aid to the Burning Legion. Taking their orders from the Horde Warchief Vol'jin, Vol'jin's Headhunters are the special forces division of Horde forces. Vol'jin sees an opportunity on this alternate Draenor; overthrow Gul'dan before the Burning Legion can overrun and desecrate Draenor the way they did in Vol'jin's universe.
Once you reach exalted, head to Warspear and find Dazzerian to purchase your mount. It costs 100 Marks of honor along with some gold, so if you are missing them, complete some daily pvp wins, brawl weekly quests (they are up every other week) or rated pvp wins. These steps can be done on alts too as Marks of Honor are Blizzard account bound.
Reputation mounts can only be purchased after you've achieved a certain level of reputation with an associated faction, or renown with your Covenant. How you earn reputation depends on the faction, and each faction heading serves as a link to a relevant Wowhead guide.
As a part of our ongoing series of articles featuring many of the collectible's in World of Warcraft, we've set our sights on Warlords of Draenor. The many riches of this expansion are just waiting for you to claim them. There are a variety of ways to lay claim to these mounts, pets, and toys, whether it's from defeating a rare boss, collecting specific currencies, or becoming friends with the natives, you're sure to expand your stash of treasures.
Forged deep within Hellfire Citadel by a mad blacksmith, the Felsteel Annihilator combines the metalworking knowledge of the Iron Horde with the chaotic fel energies of the Burning Legion into an unholy union of steel and flame.
Similar to other buildings in your Garrison, the Shipyard can be turned into a nice and steady source of gold. This gold making method is pretty simple once your Shipyard is up and running, and your fleet is complete. But sadly, not many players bother with it, and they are at loss because of it.
Once you have unlocked all ships, one of the best fleet setups to go with, is 1 Submarine, 1 Transport, 3 Destroyers, 3 Battleships, 2 Carriers. Or, have 2 Destroyers and 2 Submarines, but make sure you keep 3 Battleships and only 1 Transport.
Once you have at least 2-3 ships with Goblin / Dwarven Crew (5 is ideal), all you need to do is complete missions every day, focusing on those with gold rewards. This way, you can get up to 5-6000g or even more per week, just from your Shipyard.
Naval Missions also require Oil. In order to get Oil, you can focus onto completing Follower Missions with Oil as reward, complete Tanaan Jungle dailies, and defeat the 4 elite rares, that also drop Medallions of the Legion. These rares drop 100 Oil per day, per character.
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You'll need to reach Revered reputation with three Tanaan Jungle factions, including the Saberstalkers and the Order of the Awakened. Alliance players will need to curry the favor of the Hand of the Prophet, while the Horde will need to earn the trust of Vol'jin's Headhunters.
Led at that time by Vol’jin’s wise father, Sen’jin, the Darkspears abandoned their prejudices and worked together with Thrall’s orcs to defeat a group of humans encroaching on the jungle isle. With unparalleled bravery, the trolls fought side by side with the Horde to secure victory, but tragedy befell the Darkspears soon afterward. Intent on appeasing a mysterious sea witch, a frenzied band of murlocs captured the isle’s defenders. Although a number of the imprisoned orcs and trolls managed to escape, the noble Sen’jin was slain by his captors.
Chieftain of the Darkspear Tribe of Trolls. He joined up with the Horde in Warcraft III (as seen in the demo of Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne expansion) after Thrall & co. saved his tribe from the wrath of a naga Sea Witch (later named Zar'jira) and her murloc minions. He took the role of leader after the death of his father Sen'jin at the hands of one of Zar'jira's worshippers. As a Shadow Hunter, Vol'jin was raised with savage training as a Headhunter, which led into more magical studies when he became older, and started communing with Loa and other ancestral spirits.
With a poisoned dagger plunged into his throat, Vol'jin wandered the wilds of Pandaria, with only his Trollish regeneration keeping him alive, until he came across an old friend in Chen Stormstout. Chen took him to the Shado-Pan where he could recover from his wounds. After an adventure at the side of Chen and the Shado-Pan, Vol'jin resolved to return to Durotar and begin a rebellion against Garrosh. He was successful, pulling almost the entire Horde to his side, with Orgrimmar being the final holdout.
During the Siege of Orgrimmar, Vol'jin had a choice. He could plunge deeper into Garrosh's underground fortress and slay him, as he promised. But Orgrimmar was being sacked, and people, both innocent and guilty, friendly and hostile, were dying as the Alliance looted the streets. Vol'jin resolved to leave Garrosh to Thrall and the nameless champions of the Horde and Alliance, so he could unite the Revolution with the defeated defenders of Orgrimmar, bring peace to the city up above, and end the chaotic bloodshed. He placed the safety of his city and his people over his personal feud with Garrosh Hellscream. 2b1af7f3a8