Ruby On Rails Tutorial Book By Michael Hartl
This is a great book and it really shows you how the Ruby on Rails framework works. However, the book is not as coherent like a tutorial would be. Although the book gives you many ideas it's hard to follow them all. It explains some things and then not elaborates on them. Having this book would be very helpful if you are a newbie to Ruby on Rails.
I really liked this book. It gave me the ability to quickly understand how the Rails Framework works. I would recommend this to anyone that has not before worked with the rails framework and you want a quick an easy way of learning the basics. I am in the process of learning Ruby on Rails and I have already gone through several books and this was by far the easiest and most informative. It is great for starting Ruby on Rails newbies. I recommend it to any beginner who needs to quickly get a grasp of the Ruby on Rails Framework and this book is an excellent introduction.
This book is fantastic for anyone interested in getting into Ruby on Rails. It provides a great grounding for the theory and a strong foundation for any desktop or web application you may wish to build.
I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to learn RoR. It was written very well and was right up my alley. I've been doing web development for years and thought RoR was going to be like PHP but I was pleasantly surprised to find that the examples and code helped me see my way into a new way of doing web development. I recommend this book to anyone new to software development or even web development.
This is a must-read book for anyone interested in learning Ruby on Rails. It clearly explains the principles of Ruby on Rails, how to use them to build web site and web applications, and how to integrate other technologies (like mobile apps, JavaScript, and jQuery) into that web site. It also details how to contribute to the overall community by helping out with projects.
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