Conditions that pose a high risk of suffering from eating disorders since they generate greater dissatisfaction with body image. Inesem business school advanced course in eating disorders more information these types of alterations have become more important in recent years given their higher incidence. Their prevention is a key tool. To make the diagnosis of this type of disease, the criteria of the american academy of psychiatry of 1994 (dsm-iv) and those
of the world health organization (icd-10) were used. In 2013, the dsm-iv manual was updated to dsm-5 , where the definitions of eating disorders were expanded and others such as atypical anorexia nervosa, purging disorder, etc. Were included. Anorexia whatsapp number list nervosa anorexia nervosa is one of the main specific eating disorders. It is an alteration by which the affected person refuses to eat food for fear of gaining weight and increasing their body weight. There are two types of anorexia nervosa: anorexia nervosa of the restrictive type, in which food intake is suppressed. Anorexia nervosa of the purgative type, in which, in addition to periods of starvation,
the victim causes vomiting and diarrhea through the use of laxatives and diuretics. About 50% of anorexia nervosa victims also develop the bulimia nervosa disorder. Anorexia nervosa diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, the criteria of dsm-5 and icd-10 are followed. They are the following: according to icd-10: significant weight loss (bmi value less than 17.5 kg/m²). Body image distortion. Provoked weight loss: through food restriction, vomiting, purging, intense physical exercise , consumption of anorexigenic drugs... Endocrine disorder affecting the upper hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Slowing or stopping of pubertal manifestations. According to dsm-5: