Watch [Team X-P] YuGiOh Season Zero 06
Watch [Team X-P] YuGiOh Season Zero 06 -
Players stack their deck with player cards, design a game plan and watch players simulate your strategy with live match play. Go head-to-head in Quick Match mode or dominate the pitch against 15 other players in an online tournament. Lead your team with tactical skill through competitive group stages to win.
Web Original The Nostalgia Critic: A lot of people have this opinion towards NC after the series was uncancelled, due to more controversial statements (including a review of Sailor Moon that was absolutely drenched in Unfortunate Implications), actions and criticisms people feel are hypocritical when old reviews are taken into consideration, an Anvilicious tone, sketches that go nowhere, an over-reliance on Straw Critic and the fact that his character arc's resolution was undone. Some of the people who liked the revived series began to quit it come mid-2014, where they felt that the Critic had become more mean-spirited, more hostile towards anyone or anything he doesn't like to the point of insulting people who disagree with him (some even feeling he's become a Straw Critic himself), had skits that overstay their welcome, and ridiculous amounts of Bias Steamroller. 2015 is even worse. In addition to several previous problems growing worse, many were turned off by several of the videos being little more than an Author Tract rather than an actual review, spouting off viewpoints that are clearly supposed to be Walker's rather than the Critic's in-character, and the Critic getting much worse when it comes to reviewing then-recent material, including breaking his previous restriction and looking at Jurassic World, Pixels, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens while they were still in theaters, leaving the \"Nostalgia\" part as an Artifact Title. In 2019, the decline continued. Since the #ChangeTheChannel scandal, the Nostalgia Critic increasingly became the target of ridicule in many internet circles. His review of The Wall is so widely hated that it became a meme in and of itself. The episode's lacking quality also led viewers to start becoming more critical of future episodes, and reflect on the flaws of past episodes initially given a free pass. The \"Maybe he was transitioning\" line from the Venom review wasn't received well in certain circles, either. Doug has since abandoned his TV vlogs, editorial series, and other side projects, instead focusing only on Nostalgia Critic and occasionally doing a short vlog on a movie currently playing. This decline has continued unchanged into the 2020s. Where Nostalgia Critic episodes were once guaranteed to make a million views, if not several; they now struggle to garner even a fraction of that peak view count. While there are still those willing to watch, it demonstrates how far the property has fallen in light of the #ChangeTheChannel scandal; with most people now only aware of Nostalgia Critic through mockery from other Youtubers such as Oneyplays. In the end, a comment said it best: \"His audience grew up, but Doug Walker himself has not.\" The Angry Video Game Nerd: Some say the series went through this between James contracting major burnout in late 2009 and the filming of Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie in mid-2012. He had noticeably less energy and passion during this time period, and his \"anger\" (the defining trait of his character) was quite a bit more restrained. Other fans point out to the era starting in 2018 where production company Screenwave Media took on a much greater role in the production of the shownote most likely due to James' increased responsibilities as a parent, leaving him with less time to work on AVGN. Common complaints include the uncreative and repetitive camera angles, an increasing reliance on guest starts that often fall flat, the Flanderization of the Nerd character (particularly the rebound in juvenile scatophilic wordplay), the introduction of lengthy sponsor skits, the Nerd's anger feeling even more forced that in the aforementioned era, and more generally that the writing and choice of games make it obvious James is no longer writing the episodes. Things got so bad during this era that James responded to fan complaints in a behind the scenes video, which ultimately did little to reassure fans who were skeptical of some of his production decisions (notably his perplexing decision to hang lights from the ceiling) and questioned why Screenwave was not handling these things. Cracked readers tend to argue that the site started going downhill sometime around 2013. More and more of the site's usual contributors started vanishing or leaving the site, content was recycled rampantly, new contributors weren't up to the challenge of replacing the old ones, and the site's direction as a whole moved towards the sort of shallow and humor-light clickbait that Cracked had once been seen as a cut above. Post-2016, the site also developed a strong political bent that, while not new, seemed to crop up in every article that the writer could squeeze a Take That! into. The site's management and moderation became increasingly tone-deaf, driving away a lot of regulars from a once-thriving community. By 2020 or so, Cracked had a single-digit number of actual creatives, with nearly every significant creator from the old days having moved on. 2021 has not improved things for Cracked. Its photoplasty contests, once humorous or informative, are now almost entirely recycled - either just condensing information from older articles or lifting images wholesale from sites like Bored Panda. The actual articles are much shorter now as well, typically only a few paragraphs in length and containing far fewer jokes. Finally, the comment section appears to have disappeared entirely, apparently only visible to people who log in to the site. Depending on who you ask Marble Hornets may have fallen into this during its second half, as the creators created way too many questions and subplots than they could handle. This is far from universal however. Parodied in The Jerry Seinfeld Program, in which Seinfeld went on for 21 seasons (with another five planned). When Elaine and Kramer left (with Jerry and George pretending they never existed) the show truly became about nothing once Jerry ran out of ideas, and has devolved into nothing more than a series of internet shorts lasting about a couple minutes long at most since the show somehow managed to achieve a Nielsen rating of less than .1 and yet is still going, in an extreme case of Adored by the Network. The show eventually devolves into Jerry and George having existential crises on-set, begging to just let the show die already before finally committing suicide. Stupid Mario Brothers: The series is agreed to have gone into this after The Movie. The only well liked part of this period is the Interactive Adventure. Common criticisms include tone deaf stories, characters holding the Idiot Ball, wasting time on Filler, less funny jokes, and the characters becoming unlikable. The Music Video Show had gone through this in seasons 5 through 7. The jokes had become repetitive, the running gags had been run through the ground, episodes blended into each other and the host took several notches of unlikable behavior. Unlike many examples, she made an apology video, stating anger, depression and suicidal thoughts as the cause, pointing to Season 5 as the worst cause. Seasons 9 and 10 have gotten a case of this, specifically season 9. Instead of the usual 25 episodes, these seasons go for 50, with the misses outweighing the hits. Without the 3 month break between seasons like before, the jokes are less thought through and some episodes seem halfhazardly put together. Downplayed with season 10 as, despite similar problems as 9, the season got better and, as it was the last season of the show, it ended on a good note with its 300th episode. ScrewAttack went through this not long after DEATH BATTLE! really got popular. Whilst that show got better the rest of Screwattack's content seemed to suffer with the humor becoming stale and overdone, top tens becoming really generic, and Stuttering Craig becoming much too prevalent in each video (which many fans felt is what caused the first problem). Some fans think the rot may have even happened earlier after many key members left and with the shut down of Hard News. It seemed Screwattack actually realized this and eventually put all resources into Death Battle. After a strong start and a groundwell of support from fans, the \"MK3\" era of Classic Game Room came to be seen as a low point for many fans. Common complaints include running gags being driven into the ground, too much video time spent on Patreon backer credits and promotion of Mark's other projects with the resulting split effort harming the production, low effort content (most notoriously the #WhoDefeatz videos) paired with Mark's confrontational attitude toward those who criticized those uploads, a more niche and less timely choice of games to review (despite the fact that most of the show's most popular episodes were about current games) and generally feeling tired. The loss of popularity was such that Classic Game Room went from having one of the biggest Patreon account with nearly 10k donated monthly at its peak to Mark announcing the show's end in the comments of an Instagram post without the wider internet really noticing. Diva Dirt started going this way in 2015-2016. Melanie, one of the original writers and eventual editor, left the site and was shortly followed by Ensemble Dark Horse Bobby when he was too busy with college work. This led to the less popular Jack taking control of a lot articles; he became infamous for jokes that weren't funny, getting the names of moves wrong and some oddly selective favoritism when it came to certain women. Then the rest of the site's writers left, and were replaced with people they'd found in the comments - giving it the feeling that it had gone from legitimate news site to blog with multiple contributors. Feminist Frequency experienced a lot of backlash once the 'Tropes vs Women' series moved onto video games. The research mistakes that had been at a minimum in her previous videos increased to an absurd degree (despite Anita's claims that they were \"double and triple checked\"), and there were soon enough videos pointing out the mistakes to make up a subgenre all its own, with wildly varying quality of critiques. Many gamers and critics outside of the pool of misogynists that made up the project's hatedom began to highlight several problematic statements in Anita's own critiques - such as her disdain for sex workers, claims that any Action Girls were inherently misogynistic and dismissing any large breasted or scantily clad female characters as a \"fighting fuck toy\". She drew large amounts of controversy for a video where she casually suggested that gamers would be turned on by violence towards women in Watch_Dogs. Liana K released a five-part video series disputing many of Anita's more problematic statements, and others identified Manipulative Editing at play where Anita appeared to have taken footage from other YouTubers without crediting them. Although she released another series of videos in 2016, she soon ended the project and it was rebranded as a non-profit podcast. She later revealed that the corporate sponsorship they had benefited from in the beginning had lost interest and withdrawn their funding. Funhaus has experienced extensive turnover in staff, starting with the departure of recurring secondary hosts such as Joel Rubin and Sean Poole, but eventually including the departure of main co-hosts Bruce Greene and Lawrence Sonntag, the firing of main host Adam Kovic, and the departure of recurring co-host host Alanah Pearce. The only cast members still present from when the former Inside Gaming became Funhaus are James Willems and editor Matt Peake, though several popular members who joined shortly afterward (such as Elyse Willems, Omar de Armas, Jon Smith, and Jacob Fullerton) still remain. This turnover has caused Funhaus's content to change considerably over time; while the key format of one main host playing a game in the foreground while several co-hosts improvise jokes in the background has remained, numerous fan-favorite interpersonal dynamics have of course changed with the personnel. Fan opinion differs widely on whether this is true Seasonal Rot or whether the fandom reaction is a case of They Changed It, Now It Sucks!. Honest Trailers: Honest Game Trailers was viewed to have taken a dip in quality ever since it moved from Smosh Games to Fandom Games, resulting in a different writing team. A common criticism is how the newer Honest Game Trailers lack the tongue-in-cheek humor of the previous ones and focused more on mean-spirited criticisms of the games they covered. CinemaSins: Initially, the videos were pointing out the actual flaws of the movies, like a Plot Hole or Special Effect Failure. However, the show has gradually devolved into a parody of itself, picking apart a movie for the most minor things, like just showing the studio logo or having narration. It's telling that the earlier videos were around 5 minutes long, later ones are 20-30 minutes. At least. 59ce067264